Friday, February 11, 2011

These are the good old days

My dad has taught me a lot of things. Most of those he probably doesn't know I've learned.

I live in the biggest county in America, only an hour's drive from the biggest city in the world. It is a good life. I'm engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world. We have two children, two dogs, three cats, two rats and two ducks. It's something of a virtual farm, except we live on rented land in a modest three bedroom home.

With the economy as it is it's hard to make money. I should probably spend my time focusing on more productive endeavors than blogging. Unfortunately? I am an artist and I no longer wish to conform to the main stream expectations of what I should do with my life. Sure, I could join a union and learn a trade. I could get a w-2 job with regular hours and a regular pay check. But after a lifetime of struggling with renting my time to people less capable than myself, I can barely stand the thought of submitting to "the man".

In this time of blessed Anarchism on the internet I need to step my game up. If I want to be a writer, then I will write here. I'll post my videos and photographs for all to see. There may be nothing sexier than sharing your deepest thoughts with complete strangers.

I hope someone lets me know that they read this so I can find the motivation to keep doing it.


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